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Northern Ontario’s rugged landscape is a hunting paradise!

At Cheminis Lodge, we have 90 acres of this rugged landscape complete with tree stands, backing onto thousands of acres of Crown Land. It is complete with mixed hardwood, streams, swamps and mountainous areas. Hunters know, that this combination of landscape is bound to have moose, bears, and small game such as rabbits and partridge lurking in this lush and rugged forestry!!

You can just imagine being in a tree stand breathing in the cool crisp air as the Fall Season colours the trees with brilliant red, orange and yellow leaves for as far as you can see.

As the day passes, off in the distance you finally see it…majestic and intimidating moose!

These fantastic creatures can weigh as much as 1300 pounds and are crowned with good size antlers. It takes quite the hunter to stay calm in front of this creature.
Perhaps that is what the famous quote refers to…” the thrill of the hunt“!

black bears are attracted to northern ontario’s diverse landscape

The Bear facts

Black Bears enjoy the abundance of blueberries, raspberries and other assorted fruits and nuts found in the Northern Ontario regions that gets them throught the winter.
The many fresh water lakes and rivers offer them plenty to drink and a great place to cool down, and the dense forest provides tall trees to hide their cubs from danger.
Did you know:

  1. Black Bears average between 4 feet to approximately 7 feet in height
  2. They weigh anywhere from 90 to 500 pounds
  3. They are considered to be one of the more intelligent mammals and have an excellent long-term memory
  4. The black bear can live for as long as 33 years
  5. A bears sense of smell is 250 times better than humans

So, for a successful hunt, remember to stay as scent free as possible. This includes deodorant, laundry soaps and body soap. Also keep in mind black bears are attracted to the scent of mint. So chew all the mint flavored gum you like while you are out there!!

Welcome to Cheminis Lodge hunting grounds!

Come on out and enjoy the fresh, crisp air and a walk in the bush where moose, bear, deer and small game are waiting for you!

Click here for MNR Hunting Regulations.